Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The NFL: The Real Dope Show

Today the NFL has suspended six player for violating the league's substance policy. More specifically in the area of banned substances for performance enhancing.

Dear Major League Baseball,

Despite how much Bud Selig is a poor commish but brilliant salesman, it is now noted that you guys are off the warning list. Your league has done well advocating and weeding out substance abusers and have provided us with great, competive baseball.


Sal's 401K

PS - wasn't it great to have a Yankee less Post Season?

Now the NFL is on notice. Six, yup that's right six players were told that they cannot play for the rest of the season. While America, usually Pro-Football, (no pun intended) blames all doping offenses on the National Pastime, has to realize that football is not impervious to scandel.

While everyone (along with the league) tried to sweep SpyGate under the rug, not moan about shoddy officiating (it's getting redic), cannot ignore the amount of pro footballers taking drugs to take a step ahead of the competition. Baseball has nipped its bandits (while still questioning the validity of records), but did so stearnly to preserve the game.

Thomas Boswell once remarked about the change of the public's view of the players as a reevaluation of heroes. Where we shouldn't look up to a player nor look down to him, but rather at a level field. People hold these "Holy than Thou" attitudes about football stars, while shunning baseball players because of the doping in the late 1990's. While it was damaging for a period that baseball was associated with juiced balls, players and records, the damage done has helped cleaned up the game with zero tolerance.

Zero Tolerance has so many meanings. First, the league put zero tolerance on players giving them harsh punishments for failing the drug tests. Second, but most importantly, those associated or involved with the doping of baseball have been shunned and essentially blackballed. Was Barry Bonds on a squad this year? How about Roger Clemens, you think many teams are going to be calling his home or agent? Sammy Sosa saw his career and legacy crack from speculation. Jose Canseco thrived on it, almost becoming a saint, but mainly as an anti-hero.

Football is no longer immune, depsite the commandments of the No Fun League/Nazi Football League/etc. Get with the times... baseball has.

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