One has to wonder when watching a Yankee broadcast how Micheal Kay and his group of flunky color anaylists can get to sleep at night. Maybe they do what teenagers who hate their parents do to get a quick buzz and drink bottles of Niquill....
Joba Chamberlin has become a nice distraction for Yankee fans who never check the standings. This circus contiunes as the yanks lose series after series, showing Joba sitting in the dugout while Jose Guillen trots around the bases as the now steroid free Andy Pettite cant lie his way out of grand slams.
They might as well put up a giant red and orange stripped tent over Yankee stadium. YES advertising should start a new campaign that before games, Jorge Posada will throw flamming torches to Johnny Damon....well maybe not since neither of them has an arm left. Jason Giambi could use the alcohol thats already on his breath to breathe fire and Alex Rodriguez could teach an elephant to strike out in the clutch.
You have to love that the buzz among these brain dead pinstripe groupies is all about a guy whos only tossed 50 innings in his career and not about Letroy Hawkins, Kyle Farnsworth and Ross Olendorf getting blasted every time they step on the field. How about chatting about Robinson Cano's .230 average (hes making Tony Graffinino look like Joe Morgan) and to say the least shaky fielding?
Its because the New York Yankees have announcers who are OWNED. Micheal Kay and the pack of imbecile donkey brained anaylists who trot around with Yankee hooks through their noses telling them what to talk about and when to talk about it. Chamberlin is the distraction that is keeping Yankee Stadium filled as this mediocre team is embarassing themselves between the lines. Thats ok, just keep showing him sitting there clowning around with Chin Ming Suck while the Royals tatoo your #2 starter. While your at it, tell a friendly little anecdote to keep everyone feeling nice and warm inside.
If I could only slap that glossy faced, dull eyed grin off of every Yankee fans face as they are hearing once again about Joba's wheel chair riding, blue tooth wearing, dirty go-T Dad. Doesn't anyone see the brainwashing effect here? These fans have the baseball IQ equivilant of Sharon Stone. They know as much about the Major Leagues as Lindsey Lohan knows about sobriety. The Yankee PR department has fans dancing around and jumping through hoops like they were Siegfried and Roy.
I don't care about potential. Todd Hollinsworth had potential. Pat Listach had potential. Jimmy Eat World had potential....but what did they all turn out to be? NOTHING!
Sal Fasano says there is nothing wrong with a man drinking so much alcohol he could breathe fire, Sal did that before each day before he'd go to a new triple-A ballpark and sit the bench.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
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