Saturday, May 10, 2008

A swing and a miss

Todays 1-0, no-hit loss to VT by the USA Softball ladies has to be one of the most embarassing losses since...well, anyone lost to the Knicks.

The USA ladies had previously won 185 games in a row dating back to 1996. So i figured we'd take a look at the state of the world the last time the women went down in exihibition play.

in 1996, 2pac was killed (He's since released 73 hit records)

Janet Jackson signed an 80 million dollar contract, (then lost a boob and a career)

Seal won record of the year with, "Name of the Rose." (He's since gone on to make babies with super all of us with acoustic guitars alot of hope)

Braveheart won best picture (they since did take Mel Gibson's freedom for a night due to him hating jews, nice mug shot tho mel)

George Burns died (ironically, Julio Franco was still older than Burns in 96)

The first sheep was cloned.....(thats funny enough by itself)

Ken Caminitti won the baseball MVP...what a slippery slope it was after that huh Ken?

Sal Fasano was a rookie in 96 and hit a whopping .203

Today is a dissapointing day for the girls in red white and blue, but hopefully 08 will be more exciting than 96...geez

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